Proxxi’s April Newsletter - 2021

Did you know that April 7th is World Health Day? Supporting the health and safety of businesses and their employees is Proxxi’s key driver. We strive to bring you pertinent information for workplace health and safety topics in our monthly newsletters, and April is no exception. 

Returning to work onsite 

Is your organization preparing to return employees to the office? With changes to local or federal regulations, many organizations have started returning their employees to the office or jobsite. Those in health and safety roles are being tasked with the creation and execution of a return-to-work plan, and will have several competing goals when it comes to creating it. Get informed on building your organization’s return-to-work plan today.

her immunity and vaccines

Vaccinations and herd immunity

Did you know that if 30% of adults refuse the vaccination that less than 50% of the total population would be vaccinated since those under 16 aren’t currently eligible? Although we do not know the exact percentage of people who need to be immune to achieve herd immunity, it is likely these numbers are not nearly enough. Business will have to find ways of protecting workers outside of relying on herd immunity. 

People like Sarah Calabrese, the Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator North America, have been protecting valuable onsite workers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Read about Sarah’s experience with protecting on-site workers here

What is the impact of an electrical incident to your business?

If an electrical incident were to occur, do you know how it would affect your business? Through the month of March we took a deep dive into the impact of an electrical incident on an organization.  Our blog series covered repercussions for employees, the resulting impacts to your organization’s financials, and changes to community perception of your organization. 

If you want to start from the very beginning (it’s a very good place to start), click here for our introductory post.

March updates to Proxxi Voltage

We recently completed an update to our Proxxi Voltage Wristband Firmware and Mobile App. Did you miss the announcement? If so, let us know and we will ensure you are included on future product update emails.


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Exploring Financials: The Value of Life and Workplace Safety


The Impact of an Electrical Incident: Part 4 -The Impact on Community Perceptions