What Does a Positive COVID-19 Case Mean for Your Organization?

There is always the risk of someone who is infectious coming into the work space. Policies and procedures have been put in place to help address both employees’ safety and the organization’s interests, but no matter how protective the processes are, the risk is still there. In this article we are going to explore what a positive case can mean for your organization

positive case of covid-19

Contact your local health authority

When a positive case is confirmed, it is important to consult with your local health authority to ensure you are following their recommended procedures. The exact process to be followed will be dependent on their regulations, but no matter where you are there are some universal realities of a confirmed case. Someone diagnosed with COVID-19 can be infectious for 2 days prior to developing symptoms, so even if an employee begins their isolation as soon as they feel sick, there is still potential exposure that will need to be considered. 

Impact to employees

During contact tracing, and even after contract tracing is complete, employees are heavily impacted by a positive case. Those who have been isolated can be worried about their own health or the loss of wages. Those who have not been asked to isolate may be concerned about the accuracy of contact tracing or anxious for their colleagues who may become sick.  

There is also the matter of employee perceptions, and their confidence that you as the organization are doing everything in your power to ensure their safety and protection. If employees do not trust the contact tracing process or the organization’s commitment to their safety this can have cascading effects on culture, performance, and business flow. You want your employees to know you are doing everything you can to protect them, while still protecting the business. 

Financial impacts

On the business side of things, there is the financial impact of having to shut down part of or all business operations. If contact tracing is done manually, it can take a significant amount of time to complete. If employees who require isolation cannot work from home, or are unable to work from home as efficiently, this will further increase the financial consequences.

Also, if contact tracing is inaccurate, this can result in a much larger shut down of operations - either because employees who do not need to isolate are asked to do so, or if potentially exposed employees are not isolated and given the care they need, and the spread potentially continues.

covid 19 at work

Impact to customers

Customers can also be affected by these events. If production is stopped or slowed during contact tracing or as employees are isolated, this can have a negative impact on your customers’ experience with your organization. This can lead to customers cutting ties with your business if you are unable to meet their needs, or can lead to poor customer experience as a result of disrupted service. 

The ability to perform accurate contact tracing quickly will help mitigate these impacts. Fewer people will likely have to isolate themselves and employees will feel more confident in the validity of the contact tracing. Additionally, the business will likely see a smaller impact to the bottom line. 

Implementing a digital contract tracing solution that is fast and accurate can help resolve all of these concerns. With Proxxi Contact only employees who are at risk of exposure will be identified by the system, and this list of potential contacts can be generated in just a few clicks. 

In the event of a confirmed or suspected case or contact, always consult your local health authority and follow their guidelines to ensure you are complying with your local regulations.


Proxxi’s December Newsletter - 2020


How to Plan a Successful Rollout for Proxxi Contact