Proxxi’s March Newsletter - 2021

This March marks the one year mark of Covid-19 being declared a global pandemic. A lot of change has happened over the past year, but here at Proxxi we will want to ensure our customers are well informed about the topics that matter to them. In this newsletter we will be focusing on how you can improve your organization’s workplace safety plan. 

Creating a Covid-19 Safety Plan

Safe workplaces have more productive employees, have a better community image, and, or course, prevent workplace injury and illness. Ensuring your workplace safety plan is comprehensive is very important not just for worker security, but also financially, as illustrated by the recent legal case between New York City and Amazon

When building a workplace safety plan, there are many different approaches to take. One approach that can be used is the Hierarchy of Hazard Control. To learn more about the hierarchy, take a look at this post

Covid-19 Safety Plans In Action

Theorizing about the best safety plan and implementing one are two very different things. It often helps to read about other organization’s experiences.

Proxxi had the opportunity to chat with the Senior EHS Specialist and Pandemic Coordinator at Johns Manville’s Plattsburgh, New York facility. We discussed how they have been managing health and safety measures over the last year in their upper New York State manufacturing facility. The full article can be found here.

Daily temperature check

We also caught up with the Director of Quality, Safety and Compliance of a global group that develops and manages sustainable infrastructure solutions. In their meeting they discussed how the organization  has used the Hierarchy of Hazard Control in their workplace Covid-19 safety plan. You can read more about this company’s experience here

The Covid-19 Vaccine and Return to Work Plans

How are vaccinations going to affect return to work plans? HealthWell Solutions are a Proxxi Certified Partner, with great insights into workplace safety. They explored the answers to these questions in this article.

Electrical Safety in the Workplace

As organizations are returning to on-site work and adjusting their workplace safety plans to include Covid-19 protocols, it is the perfect time to revisit other areas of the workplace safety plan as well. Electrical safety is a low probability, high impact subsection of workplace safety. Because of the low likelihood, some organizations ignore or put off improving their electrical safety plans.

protection from electricity

What is the impact to your employees and your organization if something should occur? We will be exploring this question in a four part series over the month of March. You can read the first post in the series now. 

Getting the most out of your Proxxi Contact System

How can you make sure your organization is getting the most out of your investment in Proxxi Contact? This is a question that many of our customers have asked us. To find out more, take a look at this post

Also, we recently completed an update to our Proxxi Contact Dashboard. Did you miss the announcement? If so, let us know and we will ensure you are included on future product update emails.


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The Impact of an Electrical Incident: Part 2 - Impact on Employees


The Impact of an Electrical Incident: Part 1 - Introduction